About Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

About Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

The knowledge of Transcendental Meditation has been made widely available in the world today by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Maharishi received the technique from his teacher with whom he studied for many years, before inaugurating an international movement to spread the knowledge of Transcendental Meditation globally in 1957.

After long centuries of confusion, Maharishi has brought to light the Vedic truth that meditation is not based on effort and concentration, but rather takes place spontaneously and naturally once the mind is given the correct start. It is this transformation in understanding, embodied in his Transcendental Meditation technique, which has opened the benefits of meditation to people of all cultures and walks of life.

For his ability to teach the transcending process, and make available the experience of the unified field (in Transcendental Consciousness) to people of all ages, religions, and walks of life, he is recognized worldwide as the most effective teacher of enlightenment in many generations. For centuries into the past, only a few people were deemed worthy of meditation, and society as a whole was left to fend for itself, but Maharishi’s stated goals are to bring enlightenment to every individual on Earth, and to establish a state of permanent peace in the world.

Maharishi also completely restored the thousands-of-years-old scattered Vedic literature restoring the true significance of its theory and practice, and organised it in the form of a complete and systematic science of consciousness. Maharishi’s practical programmes quietly establish life according to Natural Law without requiring change in any area of endeavour, to irrevocably change the course of time in favour of peace and happiness for all mankind.

Bringing benefits to all areas of life

Maharishi has been called the foremost scientist in the field of consciousness and the greatest teacher of our time. His technique of Transcendental Meditation is the most widely practised and extensively researched programme of self-development in the world.

During the past 50 years, more than five million people have learned Transcendental Meditation, and over 40,000 teachers of Transcendental Meditation have been trained, opening thousands of teaching centres throughout the world. Hundreds of Maharishi schools, colleges and universities have been founded, and Transcendental Meditation programmes have been introduced in private businesses, universities, prisons, the military, and other public institutions.
Hundreds of books have been published about Maharishi’s teachings, and these have been translated into many languages.

“Why Maharishi came out of the Himalaya’s to teach Transcendental Meditation”, Humboldt, 1972, (5 mins) – Maharishi

Charities worldwide

Charities in more than 100 countries world-wide are offering Maharishi’s programmes. These charities, liaising with other like-minded organisations and charities such as the David Lynch Foundation are bringing about remarkable changes in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.
Worldwide, tens of thousands of the most vulnerable young people have learned Transcendental Meditation through various grants. The benefits are wide-ranging from reduction in stress and stress-related disorders, reduced substance abuse, reduced anxiety, hyperactivity, and emotional problems, increased learning ability, improved memory and improved academic performance.

Other global outreach programmes are having similarly inspiring results:

  • work with the homeless
  • prison programmes to reduce recidivism
  • war veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
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