“Enlightenment is the normal, natural state of health for the body and mind. It results from the full development of consciousness and depends upon the perfect and harmonious functioning of every part of the body and nervous system. When one is using the full potential of the mind and body in this way, every thought and action is spontaneously correct and life-supporting. This is life free from suffering, life lived in its full stature and significance.” – Maharishi
Transcending is the basis of enlightenment
Normally throughout the day, we experience the busy active everyday level of thinking. When we practise Transcendental Meditation we experience a state where the mind is completely silent, yet wide awake. Transcend means “go beyond”, and this is the transcendental state: the mind has gone beyond all activity. This is an experience of the inner Self, which is perfect peace.
Transcending is natural and a universal experience, known to all cultures, however, it occurs rarely and usually by chance. Transcendental Meditation provides a systematic method to transcend that anyone can practise.
Without this experience of transcending, we only have access to the constantly changing phase of life. Our thoughts, emotions, plans, memories – everything is constantly changing. No wonder that we may feel increasingly separated and isolated from the non-changing inner quality of life – the Self.
People often report that when they learn TM, they feel more connected, more at one with themselves, more fulfilled, happier.
The desire to know yourself and understand your connection to the universe is natural. For centuries, it has inspired saints and sages to turn within seeking enlightenment. When most people enquire about Transcendental Meditation, they are looking for the simple, practical everyday benefits that the practice brings.
However there are also those who want to learn Transcendental Meditation for reasons which may be difficult to put into words: self-knowledge, self-awareness, inner peace, spiritual development, enlightenment. All these are equally valid reasons for learning, and are, in a sense, exactly what Transcendental Meditation provides.
Transcendental Meditation provides access to the profound silence of the inner self that is deep inside everyone. With regular practise, the peacefulness and bliss of that inner experience is naturally integrated into daily living leading to an enlightened life with a fully developed heart, mind and soul. The TM technique is a very powerful means to develop higher states of consciousness.
“What is Enlightenment?” – Maharishi, (5 mins)
Maharishi on Enlightenment (excerpts from an interview)
Q: What is the goal of Transcendental Meditation?
A: Maharishi: “The goal of the Transcendental Meditation technique is the state of enlightenment. This means we experience that inner calmness, that quiet state of least excitation, even when we are dynamically busy.”
Q: Is it necessary to dissolve stress to experience the state of enlightenment?
A: Maharishi: “Yes. And it brings very practical value to life. Even if we forget about ‘enlightenment’ for a moment — maybe that state seems to be inconceivable — still it is our daily experience that the whole value of life is very little if we are tired, if we are stressed.
“If we think of a morning when we have not rested well in the night, then we feel so groggy and everything just collapses into dullness and inertia. The world is the same as on the other days, but our appreciation of the world is so much less.
“And with the Transcendental Meditation technique we have a natural and effective means to dissolve even deeply rooted fatigue and stress. This is the way to unfold full value of life.
“Even in the first days of meditation we find that our eyes seem to be a little more open, our mind seems a bit more clear. Our feeling towards our friends seems to be more harmonious.
“And then, as the practice continues every day, a time will come when we will start living life free from all stresses. We cleanse the awareness of all stresses and strains, leaving the conscious mind completely free in its pure value.”
And here is a very good description of what Yoga is and how it relates to TM.
Also here you’ll find a great article about higher states of consciousness
– complete enlightenment.